What’s a School Bond?
A school bond is a process where the district borrows money from a bank and uses those funds for building projects, including new construction, renovations, maintenance, additions, etc. It cannot be used for salaries.
The district pays for the loan through an increase it receives from new tax revenue from taxes on your home and personal possessions.
These measures are placed on the ballot by school boards to be considered by the voting public.
An informed community is a thriving community.
By Voting Yes on November 5, you have the opportunity to:
Shape the Future of Our Schools
A school bond election is an opportunity for a public school district to secure the necessary funding for a crucial building or capital project. By placing these measures on the ballot, district school boards empower the voting public to shape the future of their community's education system.
See Your Money at Work
School bond issues on the ballot are truly unique, standing apart from other parts of the election. This is because state laws make it mandatory for ballot measures to be crafted with precision and specificity.
Make an impact on your community
School bond measures may not always grab headlines like candidate elections or state-wide ballot measures, but they hold immense power in shaping school policy. Citizens have a unique opportunity to make a lasting impact by supporting these measures.
Need more answers on the school bond?
View the FAQ page on the Kansas City Kansas Public Schools website.